Alleen in november: 50% korting op de Warme Groet!

Events where you can find Breugem Brewery

Here you find an overview of various events that Breugem Brewery will attend this year. 

Craft & Beer festival | August 31 and September 1 | 2020

The International Beer Festival is back, but with a new twist, new location and new name. Reserve the weekend of Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September in your agenda!

Delft beer festival | August 25 | 2020

On Sunday, August 25, 2019, Bierlocaal Locus Publicus is organizing the Delft beer festival at the Brabant Turfmarkt in Delft for the 12th time.

Kaike en Koeieremarkt | August 17 | 2020

On the Lagedijk in Zaandijk, the nicest and nicest Kaike and Koieremarkt (second hand and curio market) will be held on 17 and 18 August 2019, in the setting of historic buildings, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Burg Bieren Bierfeest | August 3 | 2020

Every year on the 1st weekend of August (Friday & Saturday), the Burg Bieren Bierfeest takes place in Ermelo.

Bierproeverij Santpoort | 27 juli | 2020

This year it will happen again, the Beer Tasting. The success formula is unchanged, tasty beers, snacks for in between and who knows, the sun will still show itself.

Alkmaar TAPT Festival | 21 & 22 June | 2020

The Beer Festival is back at the Paardenmarkt in Alkmaar.

Bronckhorster Craft Beer Festival | 1 & 2 June | 2020

In the ninth year of the existence of the Bronckhorster Brewing Company, they organize the first Bronckhorster Craft Beer Festival

Zaanse Bokketochie | 18 May | 2020

18 & 19 May we will cycle again through the Zaan region. Several bock beers are served in each participating café.

Bierproeffestival | 16 to 18 May | 2020

16 to 26 May it is The Week of The Beer! This week will be opened with the Dutch Beer Tasting Festival in the Grote Kerk in The Hague. We are also there.


Monday 7 to Thursday 10 January the Horecava will be held in the RAI. Breugem Brewery also has a stand in the Asia Pavilion where we promote our Asian White! The Asian White is a fresh white beer from 4.6% alc. with laos & lime leaves and is the perfect accompaniment to Asian dishes. Are you also coming to taste our stand?


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